Friday, June 29, 2007

Cottrell Responds (Wednesday, June 27, 2007)

Today, Kristy Cottrell responded to the recent accusations of delegate tampering in Mississippi. While Cottrell denied personal involvement in the matter, she did not deny NewCRNC involvement, feuling further speculation that the NewCRNC was up to no good in Mississippi on her behalf.

Cottrell also called upon all acts of intimidation to stop immediately.

The full text of Cottrell's email follows.


I will begin by saying that I hope today can be a turning point in the election for officers of the CRNC. It is imperative that the negative attacks that have defined the last few days stop immediately.

While there are a number of things that are unclear about the last few days, I would like to tell two things that I know to be true.

1) I have not at any time been in contact with any Mississippi College Republican other than Jessica Westbrook.

2) Any threats made by anyone to Ms. Westbrook are categorically out of line and should stop immediately.

While the internal affairs of the Mississippi College Republicans should primarily be left to College Republicans in that state, I respectfully ask that any efforts to impeach Ms. Westbrook be abandoned if they are in any way related to the race for Southern Caucus Vice Chairman.

The speculation and accusations need to stop. I encourage my opponent, John Burris, to join with me in returning to a civil discussion of the issues, so that delegates in the Southern Region can make the best decision at our national convention.

Thank you

Kristy Cottrell
Chairman, College Republican Federation of Alabama